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Unicancer Research

Research is at the heart of Unicancer: clinical, translational and health data research. Rigorous and relevant, it aims to put innovation at the service of the patient.

Developing cancer research is one of the foundations of the Unicancer network's ambition.

Research in FCCCS

Along with care and teaching, research is one of the fundamental missions of the cancer centres that make up the Unicancer Network.


The Regulatory Affairs and Vigilance Department plays an essential role in the conduct of clinical trials promoted by Unicancer.


MATWIN (Maturation and Accelerating Translation With Industry) is a French platform, wholly owned by Unicancer, dedicated to supporting innovation in oncology.


Unicancer is the local representative of the EORTC in France since 2009.


Unicancer Partnerships Department: your academic partner of choice in oncology research.

Certification ISO

Since 1 October 2018, the research activities of Unicancer's R&D Department and Data and Partnerships Department, as well as the network of Cancer Centres, have been certified ISO 9001 (version 2015).
